What infor­ma­tion do we col­lect?
We col­lect infor­ma­tion from you when you reg­is­ter on the site, place an order, enter a con­test or sweep­stakes, respond to a sur­vey or com­mu­ni­ca­tion such as e‑mail, or par­tic­i­pate in anoth­er site fea­ture.
When order­ing or reg­is­ter­ing, we may ask you for your name, e‑mail address, mail­ing address, phone num­ber, cred­it card infor­ma­tion or oth­er infor­ma­tion. You may, how­ev­er, vis­it our site anony­mous­ly.
We also col­lect infor­ma­tion about gift recip­i­ents so that we can ful­fill the gift pur­chase. The infor­ma­tion we col­lect about gift recip­i­ents is not used for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es.
Like many web­sites, we use “cook­ies” to enhance your expe­ri­ence and gath­er infor­ma­tion about vis­i­tors and vis­its to our web­sites. Please refer to the “Do we use ‘cook­ies’?” sec­tion below for infor­ma­tion about cook­ies and how we use them.<br>

How do we use your infor­ma­tion?
We may use the infor­ma­tion we col­lect from you when you reg­is­ter, pur­chase prod­ucts, enter a con­test or pro­mo­tion, respond to a sur­vey or mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion, surf the web­site, or use cer­tain oth­er site fea­tures in the fol­low­ing ways:
To per­son­al­ize your site expe­ri­ence and to allow us to deliv­er the type of con­tent and prod­uct offer­ings in which you are most inter­est­ed.
To allow us to bet­ter ser­vice you in respond­ing to your cus­tomer ser­vice requests.
To quick­ly process your trans­ac­tions.
To admin­is­ter a con­test, pro­mo­tion, sur­vey or oth­er site fea­ture.
If you have opt­ed-in to receive our e‑mail newslet­ter, we may send you peri­od­ic e‑mails. If you would no longer like to receive pro­mo­tion­al e‑mail from us, please refer to the “How can you opt-out, remove or mod­i­fy infor­ma­tion you have pro­vid­ed to us?” sec­tion below. If you have not opt­ed-in to receive e‑mail newslet­ters, you will not receive these e‑mails. Vis­i­tors who reg­is­ter or par­tic­i­pate in oth­er site fea­tures such as mar­ket­ing pro­grams and ‘mem­bers-only’ con­tent will be giv­en a choice whether they would like to be on our e‑mail list and receive e‑mail com­mu­ni­ca­tions from us.

How do we pro­tect vis­i­tor infor­ma­tion?
We imple­ment a vari­ety of secu­ri­ty mea­sures to main­tain the safe­ty of your per­son­al infor­ma­tion. Your per­son­al infor­ma­tion is con­tained behind secured net­works and is only acces­si­ble by a lim­it­ed num­ber of per­sons who have spe­cial access rights to such sys­tems, and are required to keep the infor­ma­tion con­fi­den­tial. When you place orders or access your per­son­al infor­ma­tion, we offer the use of a secure serv­er. All sensitive/credit infor­ma­tion you sup­ply is trans­mit­ted via Secure Sock­et Lay­er (SSL) tech­nol­o­gy and then encrypt­ed into our data­bas­es to be only accessed as stat­ed above.

Do we use “cook­ies”?
Yes. Cook­ies are small files that a site or its ser­vice provider trans­fers to your com­put­er’s hard dri­ve through your Web brows­er (if you allow) that enables the site’s or ser­vice provider’s sys­tems to rec­og­nize your brows­er and cap­ture and remem­ber cer­tain infor­ma­tion. For instance, we use cook­ies to help us remem­ber and process the items in your shop­ping cart. They are also used to help us under­stand your pref­er­ences based on pre­vi­ous or cur­rent site activ­i­ty, which enables us to pro­vide you with improved ser­vices. We also use cook­ies to help us com­pile aggre­gate data about site traf­fic and site inter­ac­tion so that we can offer bet­ter site expe­ri­ences and tools in the future. We may con­tract with third-par­ty ser­vice providers to assist us in bet­ter under­stand­ing our site vis­i­tors. These ser­vice providers are not per­mit­ted to use the infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed on our behalf except to help us con­duct and improve our busi­ness. You can choose to have your com­put­er warn you each time a cook­ie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cook­ies. You do this through your brows­er (like Netscape Nav­i­ga­tor or Inter­net Explor­er) set­tings. Each brows­er is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, so look at your brows­er Help menu to learn the cor­rect way to mod­i­fy your cook­ies. If you turn cook­ies off, you won’t have access to many fea­tures that make your site expe­ri­ence more effi­cient and some of our ser­vices will not func­tion prop­er­ly. How­ev­er, you can still place orders over the tele­phone by con­tact­ing cus­tomer ser­vice.

Do we dis­close the infor­ma­tion we col­lect to out­side par­ties?
We do not sell, trade, or oth­er­wise trans­fer to out­side par­ties your per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion unless we pro­vide you with advance notice, except as described below. The term “out­side par­ties” does not include Paper Crane. It also does not include web­site host­ing part­ners and oth­er par­ties who assist us in oper­at­ing our web­site, con­duct­ing our busi­ness, or ser­vic­ing you, so long as those par­ties agree to keep this infor­ma­tion con­fi­den­tial. We may also release your infor­ma­tion when we believe release is appro­pri­ate to com­ply with the law, enforce our site poli­cies, or pro­tect ours or oth­ers’ rights, prop­er­ty, or safe­ty. How­ev­er, non-per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able vis­i­tor infor­ma­tion may be pro­vid­ed to oth­er par­ties for mar­ket­ing, adver­tis­ing, or oth­er uses.

How can you opt-out, remove or mod­i­fy infor­ma­tion you have pro­vid­ed to us?
To mod­i­fy your e‑mail sub­scrip­tions, please let us know by mod­i­fy­ing your pref­er­ences in the “My Account” sec­tion. Please note that due to email pro­duc­tion sched­ules you may receive any emails already in pro­duc­tion. To delete all of your online account infor­ma­tion from our data­base, sign into the “My Account” sec­tion of our site and remove your ship­ping address­es, billing address­es &amp; pay­ment infor­ma­tion. Please note that we may main­tain infor­ma­tion about an indi­vid­ual sales trans­ac­tion in order to ser­vice that trans­ac­tion and for record keep­ing.

Third par­ty links
In an attempt to pro­vide you with increased val­ue, we may include third par­ty links on our site. These linked sites have sep­a­rate and inde­pen­dent pri­va­cy poli­cies. We there­fore have no respon­si­bil­i­ty or lia­bil­i­ty for the con­tent and activ­i­ties of these linked sites. Nonethe­less, we seek to pro­tect the integri­ty of our site and wel­come any feed­back about these linked sites (includ­ing if a spe­cif­ic link does not work).

Changes to our pol­i­cy
If we decide to change our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, we will post those changes on this page. Pol­i­cy changes will apply only to infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed after the date of the change. This pol­i­cy was last mod­i­fied on August 6, 2003.

Ques­tions and feed­back
We wel­come your ques­tions, com­ments, and con­cerns about pri­va­cy. Please send us any and all feed­back per­tain­ing to pri­va­cy, or any oth­er issue.

Online Pol­i­cy Only
This online pri­va­cy pol­i­cy applies only to infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed through our web­site and not to infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed offline.

Terms and Con­di­tions
Please also vis­it our Terms and Con­di­tions sec­tion estab­lish­ing the use, dis­claimers, and lim­i­ta­tions of lia­bil­i­ty gov­ern­ing the use of our web­site.
Your con­sent

By using our site, you con­sent to our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.