Our Services

Life can be dif­fi­cult, and com­ing up with a com­pre­hen­sive ful­fill­ment plan can be dif­fi­cult as well. Pak­ing offers a wide range of ser­vices under one roof in order to give you a tru­ly inte­grat­ed ful­fill­ment expe­ri­ence. Our team of prob­lem solvers can help you with even the most chal­leng­ing logis­ti­cal issues.

Shop own­ers, man­agers, and cus­tomers are all kept hap­py by keep­ing shelves stocked with the newest and best prod­ucts. We have you cov­ered with clever, spe­cial­ized solu­tions for every­thing from siz­able whole­sale orders for retail jug­ger­nauts to “mom and pop” stores.

What we do for you
Busi­ness-to-busi­ness ful­fill­ment, also known as whole­sale prod­uct ful­fill­ment, refers to the process of com­plet­ing large orders through dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ters, retail­ers, or oth­er busi­ness­es rather than by send­ing them direct­ly to cus­tomers. Com­pared to B2C orders, B2B orders are typ­i­cal­ly less fre­quent but con­tain more prod­uct.

Ship­ping and logis­tics are a lit­tle more dif­fi­cult for B2B ship­ments due to their size than for B2C orders. In addi­tion, B2B ship­ments fre­quent­ly fall under com­plex retail­er and indus­try reg­u­la­tions. Hav­ing a B2B ful­fill­ment part­ner with expe­ri­ence is essen­tial, which is why we can assist you since we have more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence. We deliv­er to tens of thou­sands of “brick and mor­tar” retail stores, sig­nif­i­cant chain stores, siz­able eCom­merce busi­ness­es, QVC, and “mom and pop” stores.

Our ser­vices include but are not lim­it­ed to:
• Cus­tomized retail ful­fill­ment solu­tions
• EDI Com­pli­ant
• Mul­ti-Chan­nel retail sup­port
• Moment-by-moment inven­to­ry track­ing
• Ship­ping to thou­sands of “brick and mor­tar” retail loca­tions, major chain stores, large eCom­merce enti­ties , QVC, and ‘mom and pop’ shops

By offer­ing a seam­less, turnkey solu­tion for your busi­ness, we pro­vide a full ser­vice expe­ri­ence for our busi­ness-to-con­sumer eCom­merce clients. You can rest eas­i­er at night know­ing where your inven­to­ry is thanks to our ware­house man­age­ment sys­tem.

The core of our busi­ness
The ful­fill­ment process known as busi­ness-to-con­sumer ful­fill­ment, also known as direct-to-con­sumer ful­fill­ment, begins the moment a cus­tomer decides to pur­chase from you and ends the moment they receive your prod­uct. Imag­ine that your fan­tas­tic prod­uct is high­ly sought after and ful­fills its promise. We pledge to deliv­er that prod­uct to your cus­tomers effi­cient­ly and quick­ly. Cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion is cru­cial to both our suc­cess and yours.
We are avail­able to you and your cus­tomers around-the-clock, whether it be for urgent orders, week­end ship­ments, over­time, or hol­i­days. We take great pride in our pre­ci­sion, ded­i­ca­tion, and respon­sive­ness. We can be as hands-on as nec­es­sary and pro­vide any solu­tion you might require, from Ama­zon ful­fill­ment to eCom­merce direct­ly from your web­site.

• Indus­try lead­ing cus­tomer ser­vice
• Real time inven­to­ry track­ing + man­age­ment
• High­ly effi­cient and accu­rate Pick + Pack ser­vices
• 95% of orders processed same day or with­in 24 hours
• Ama­zon FBM (ful­fill­ment by Mer­chant) ser­vices
• Rush orders on week­ends and hol­i­days
• Orders shipped with full track­ing capa­bil­i­ties
• Shop­ping cart cre­ation + inte­gra­tion

Your inven­to­ry lev­els, sales lev­els, and ful­fill­ment orders are intel­li­gent­ly tracked through deliv­ery by our cut­ting-edge Ware­house Man­age­ment Sys­tem, 3PL Cen­tral. You have access to our dig­i­tal inte­gra­tion infor­ma­tion around-the-clock. Reli­a­bil­i­ty, not sur­pris­es or delays.

The Foun­da­tion of Ful­fill­ment
The brains of the entire oper­a­tion, accu­rate inven­to­ry man­age­ment is cru­cial for a suc­cess­ful ful­fill­ment process. Pak­ing Ful­fill­ments avoids what some might refer to as the “usu­al chal­lenges” in the ful­fill­ment indus­try, such as lost items, dam­aged prod­ucts, and inven­to­ry dis­crep­an­cies that can result in ship­ping delays and irate cus­tomers, thanks to our effi­cient­ly orga­nized ware­house and cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy, process­es, and pro­ce­dures.
On the oth­er hand, a ware­house that is well-planned and orga­nized ensures that every­thing runs smooth­ly and that cus­tomers are sat­is­fied. That’s what we’ve done for the past 20 years by uti­liz­ing top-notch inven­to­ry con­trol tech­niques while remain­ing adapt­able and cre­ative. Our com­mit­ted ware­house staff will ensure that your prod­ucts are effi­cient­ly man­aged at every stage, from receiv­ing to log­i­cal ware­house place­ment to care­ful han­dling.

• Con­sis­tent inven­to­ry data with 3PL Cen­tral WMS
• Effi­cient and log­i­cal ware­house floor lay­outs
• Strin­gent ware­house secu­ri­ty
• Well-trained and expe­ri­enced staff

3PL Cen­tral
TRG Ful­fill­ment pro­vides supe­ri­or inven­to­ry man­age­ment by uti­liz­ing the lat­est ware­house tech­nol­o­gy. Main­tained by our IT team with 24/7 mon­i­tor­ing, our Ware­house Man­age­ment Sys­tem, 3PL Cen­tral, offers the fol­low­ing:

• Seam­less inte­gra­tion with your shop­ping cart plat­form
• Ful­ly cus­tomiz­able solu­tions with cloud-based access
• Abil­i­ty to pin-point inven­to­ry at key points of the ful­fill­ment process
• Sales lev­el track­ing
• Capa­bil­i­ty of man­ag­ing all your SKUs in one place
• Fast, accu­rate report­ing 24-hours a day, 365-days a year
• Abil­i­ty to address issues as soon as they arise by imme­di­ate­ly con­tact­ing the appro­pri­ate TRG rep­re­sen­ta­tive – whether on the floor or in the office

With 3PL Cen­tral, you can sleep sound­ly know­ing your busi­ness is being tak­en care of and always mon­i­tored.

Every com­pa­ny is dif­fer­ent. You can cre­ate a ful­fill­ment strat­e­gy with the assis­tance of our knowl­edge­able con­sult­ing team to dis­trib­ute your goods in a time­ly, secure, and effi­cient man­ner.

A team of experts with YOU in mind
Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment offers more than just a ship­ping ware­house when you work with them. We bring a wealth of knowl­edge from our 20 years of expe­ri­ence that is unmatched. Our straight­for­ward onboard­ing pro­ce­dure will help us iden­ti­fy your goals and car­ry them out.

We offer con­sult­ing on:
• Ship­ping and freight options
• Dig­i­tal Inte­gra­tion and Elec­tron­ic Data Inter­change (EDI)
• eCom­merce devel­op­ment
• Stor­age and ware­hous­ing logis­tics
• Inven­to­ry man­age­ment sys­tems
• Returns and refur­bish­ment plans
• Pack­ag­ing designs and options

What­ev­er you need, we know who to con­nect you with. You’ll know you’re in good hands with TRG Ful­fill­ment. Our ulti­mate goal is your suc­cess.

Returns are an unfor­tu­nate real­i­ty, but with our knowl­edge­able staff and effec­tive pro­ce­dures, we’ll han­dle refunds and refur­bish­ments as soon as we can for your prod­ucts. We want both you and your clients to be con­tent!

Effi­cient Cus­tomer Returns
Returns are an unavoid­able part of any retail busi­ness, whether the fit was off or the cus­tomer sim­ply changed their mind. At Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment, we expe­di­tious­ly han­dle returns in accor­dance with your instruc­tions. We keep your inven­to­ry lev­els cur­rent while main­tain­ing cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion.

In the event that a prod­uct is dam­aged, Pak­ing will refur­bish it in accor­dance with your detailed instruc­tions. A bro­ken item will, if pos­si­ble, be fixed and added to the stock. Your detailed instruc­tions estab­lished dur­ing our intake process will be fol­lowed by our expert team. We have a long his­to­ry of pleased clients because of our effec­tive pro­ce­dures, knowl­edge­able work­force, and 3PL Cen­tral.

Our process involves the fol­low­ing steps:
1. The returned prod­uct is received and placed in the returns pro­cess­ing area.
2. The returned item is inspect­ed by Qual­i­ty Con­trol for any dam­age.
3. If the returned item is not dam­aged, it is updat­ed in the WMS and returned to stock for resale.
4. If the returned item is dam­aged, the client is noti­fied; WMS is updat­ed; and a new order is placed to replace the dam­aged item. We fol­low our client’s instruc­tions for han­dling refur­bish­ments.

With our Cloud-based WMS, 3PL Cen­tral, this process moves quick­ly and makes track­ing and inven­to­ry data avail­able to you at all times.

Do you require print­ed prod­ucts to be sent with your orders? With the help of our full-ser­vice inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing team, we can accom­plish that on sched­ule and with­in bud­get.

Your brand at its best
At Pak­ing, we can pro­vide all of that and much more, whether you’re run­ning a pro­mo­tion, cus­tomiz­ing your pack­ag­ing, or just need inserts for your ship­ments!
We are spe­cial­ists in every aspect of print pro­duc­tion here at Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment. Con­se­quent­ly, you have access to our team of design­ers and mar­ket­ing experts in addi­tion to our full-ser­vice inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing team, Pak­ing Mar­ket­ing Ser­vices, to help deliv­er projects of every kind and scope that will turn your ideas into a love­ly real­i­ty. Every print item is deliv­ered on sched­ule, with­in bud­get, and accord­ing to plan.

A track record of top-tier per­for­mance
Pak­ing has worked with a wide range of clients over the past 15 years to meet their var­i­ous print pro­duc­tion needs, from major CPG com­pa­nies to mar­ket­ing agen­cies. We guar­an­tee that every task is com­plet­ed accu­rate­ly and on time.
We can pro­duce the mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als you need prompt­ly and afford­ably. Pak­ing col­lab­o­rates with you in yet anoth­er way to ensure your suc­cess.

Our Print Pro­duc­tion ser­vices include:
• Large For­mat (all sub­strates)
• Litho Print­ing (28” up to 77”)
• Screen Print­ing
• POP/POS Dis­plays
• Direct Mail
• Cus­tom Pack­ag­ing
• Sig­nage (Exte­ri­or & Inte­ri­or)
• Vehi­cle Wraps
• Print On-Demand

Don’t let the volu­mi­nous details sti­fle your enthu­si­asm for your brand-new prod­uct. As con­sul­tants, sub­ject mat­ter experts, and your part­ners in a fruit­ful launch and beyond, we are here for you.

Ful­fill­ing your dream
You suc­ceed­ed! You invent­ed a brand-new item. Although you might feel a lit­tle over­whelmed by the details, every­one is excit­ed. Now is the time to con­sult a pad­dling expert. You have our com­plete sup­port for every­thing from prod­uct assem­bly to pack­ag­ing to ware­house man­age­ment to mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als.

Before you can price and adver­tise your item, you’ll need to deter­mine:
• Whole­sale and retail logis­tics
• Pack­ag­ing, brand­ing, and mar­ket­ing col­lat­er­al
• Ship­ping rates and deliv­ery time­lines
• Assem­bly and kit­ting options
• Returns and refur­bish­ment plan

We can help you through each deci­sion because we have more than 15 years of expe­ri­ence and exper­tise. We can work with you to iden­ti­fy the best options for your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion and devel­op a strat­e­gy that adheres to your finan­cial con­straints.

99.8% of orders are ful­filled and stored by our high­ly effec­tive ware­hous­ing and ful­fill­ment team with­in 48 hours.

Ship­ping Made Easy
No mat­ter how big or small, domes­tic or inter­na­tion­al, a clien­t’s ship­ping needs can be met by our flex­i­ble ship­ping resources. We guar­an­tee quick ship­ping times and low­er costs by uti­liz­ing cre­ative and effi­cient ware­house ful­fill­ment strate­gies. An expe­ri­enced team, top oper­a­tional effec­tive­ness, prof­it through tech­nol­o­gy, and 3PL ser­vices to expand your busi­ness are all advan­tages of work­ing with Pak­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, we work with all of the major ship­ping com­pa­nies, such as UPS, FedEx, Freight Con­sol­ida­tors, and the U.S. mail deliv­ery.

Receiv­ing, order trans­mis­sions, and order ful­fill­ment
• We receive or pick up col­lat­er­al at just about any time. Ware­house hours of oper­a­tion are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mon­day through Fri­day, and by appoint­ment after hours or on hol­i­days and week­ends.
• Order trans­mis­sions are assigned to an account rep­re­sen­ta­tive via TRG Fulfillment’s WMS, elec­tron­ic file trans­fer via email, phone, fax and/or email.
• Order ware­hous­ing and ful­fill­ment is high­ly effi­cient, with 99.8% of orders processed with­in 48 hours. Our ware­house staff is pro­fi­cient in assem­bling all man­ner of pack-outs for ship­ment, from sin­gle pack­ages to large orders.

The kit­ting and assem­bly ser­vices offered by Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment offer exper­tise in all facets of assem­bling, pack­ag­ing, order pro­cess­ing, and ship­ping prod­ucts in accor­dance with cus­tomers’ require­ments. Every order’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions and mod­i­fi­ca­tions are care­ful­ly fol­lowed by us, ensur­ing that only per­fect­ly pre­pared and pack­aged ship­ments are deliv­ered to your cus­tomers.

How we ship
At Pak­ing, we under­stand the impor­tance of using the right ship­ping meth­ods for your ful­fill­ment projects.
• Drop Ship­ping: We pro­vide deliv­ery direct­ly to cus­tomers, mak­ing it pos­si­ble for our clients to main­tain lit­tle or no inven­to­ry at busi­ness loca­tions while still hav­ing • quick access to inven­to­ry.
• Bulk Ship­ping: Large or small, we have the resources to trans­port any quan­ti­ty of com­modi­ties nation­wide and inter­na­tion­al­ly from our Los Ange­les facil­i­ty.
• Major ship­ping car­ri­ers, includ­ing: UPS, FedEx, Freight Con­sol­ida­tors, LTL truck­ing, and the U.S. Postal Ser­vice.

PLEASE NOTE: No Ama­zon FBA at this time – only accept­ing B2C cus­tomers. If your busi­ness sells its prod­ucts via Ama­zon, it may be help­ful for you to know that we are an autho­rized Ama­zon ful­fill­ment house.

We can help you nav­i­gate the process, eval­u­ate your options, and iden­ti­fy the best solu­tions to accu­rate­ly and suc­cess­ful­ly deliv­er your prod­ucts to cus­tomers because we have the expe­ri­ence and exper­tise to do so.

Nav­i­gate with expe­ri­ence on your side
We have devel­oped exper­tise on the ins and outs of the plat­form and are aware of any advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages you may need to weigh because Ama­zon dom­i­nates the world of eCom­merce. We’re here to assist you in iden­ti­fy­ing the best solu­tions for your com­pa­ny. We are also aware of the poten­tial need for your prod­uct to trav­el through a num­ber of chan­nels, includ­ing your own web­site, whole­sale to brick-and-mor­tar retail­ers, and online with major depart­ment store web­sites. We can sup­port your abil­i­ty to adjust to any cir­cum­stance thanks to our knowl­edge, expe­ri­ence, and sys­tems.

Let us help you by:
• Sav­ing you mon­ey
Stor­age costs can be sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced by keep­ing your bulk inven­to­ry at a Pak­ing ware­house. When nec­es­sary, we can ship your prod­ucts to Ama­zon for Ful­fill­ment by Ama­zon (FBA). With our metic­u­lous inven­to­ry and qual­i­ty con­trols, you are in good hands when you route your goods through Pak­ing. We also offer inven­to­ry label­ing, which FBA man­dates. When ship­ping direct­ly from our ware­house, we can still pro­vide the same 1–2 day ship­ping guar­an­tee, which sat­is­fies Ama­zon sell­er require­ments. Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment always choos­es intel­li­gent, cost-effec­tive ship­ping meth­ods because we place a high pri­or­i­ty on help­ing our cus­tomers save mon­ey.

• Pre­serv­ing your brand
Your prod­ucts can leave our ware­house look­ing exact­ly the way you want them to thanks to our abil­i­ty to pro­vide cus­tom pack­ag­ing and mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als that com­ple­ment your brand. Instead of using a plain brown box, our pack­ag­ing and mar­ket­ing can make your brand more rec­og­niz­able to con­sumers and serve as a won­der­ful reminder to encour­age more favor­able reviews and patron­age.

• Inte­grat­ing your sys­tem
Your oth­er eCom­merce shop­ping carts and your Ama­zon shop­ping cart are both seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed by Pak­ing’s 3PL Cen­tral Ware­house Man­age­ment Sys­tem, giv­ing you access to sales and inven­to­ry data and track­ing around-the-clock. You can take advan­tage of any oppor­tu­ni­ty to sell your prod­ucts by uti­liz­ing the flex­i­bil­i­ty of inte­gra­tion in the way that suits you the most.

Let us be your guide

The choice of a sys­tem that works for your com­pa­ny is not sim­ple, so let us assist you in max­i­miz­ing your gains and avoid­ing poten­tial pit­falls. Your inven­to­ry is the lifeblood of your com­pa­ny, and man­ag­ing it is our area of exper­tise.
To find out more about how Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment can help you sell your prod­ucts on Ama­zon, con­tact a cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive.

We pro­vide unmatched cost effi­cien­cy and flex­i­bil­i­ty thanks to our Ware­house Man­age­ment Sys­tem and two secure, strate­gi­cal­ly placed ware­house loca­tions. Our cut­ting-edge and effi­cient ware­house ful­fill­ment strate­gies guar­an­tee quick ship­ping times and low­er costs whether ship­ping domes­ti­cal­ly or inter­na­tion­al­ly.

From our door to yours.
No mat­ter if you’re a big retail­er with numer­ous loca­tions or a small start­up with a few SKUs, our stor­age facil­i­ty offers all the secu­ri­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty you require.

Our Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia, dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ter, which is 50,000 square feet, has ample space for bin and pal­let stor­age, mak­ing it the per­fect loca­tion for B2C prod­uct ful­fill­ment. An addi­tion­al 50,000 square feet of stor­age are avail­able at our sec­ond facil­i­ty in Tor­rance, Cal­i­for­nia, which focus­es on B2B ful­fill­ment. Addi­tion­al­ly, we offer 200,000 square feet of first-rate off-site stor­age, which pro­vides an enor­mous cost-sav­ing choice for sur­plus and over­flow prod­ucts.
Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment main­tains a 99.8% accu­ra­cy rate while ship­ping 99.8% of all orders with­in 24 to 48 hours of receiv­ing them. This cov­ers orders for sin­gle pieces, LTLs, and full truck­loads.
Inven­to­ry Account­ing
The inven­to­ry account­ing strat­e­gy used by Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment takes into account all inven­to­ry types, sizes, and cus­tomer demands. To ensure the most effec­tive use of resources, we reg­u­lar­ly review the design and struc­ture of our ware­house dis­tri­b­u­tion and ful­fill­ment ser­vices.
Real-Time Report­ing
Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment reg­u­lar­ly tracks inven­to­ry using our Ware­house Man­age­ment Sys­tem (WMS), 3PL Cen­tral, and pro­vides real-time reports to our clients. Cus­tomers will have access to numer­ous report options through their own per­son­al­ized dash­board, or cus­tomer ser­vice can access these reports on their behalf. Real-time track­ing, ship­ment activ­i­ty reports, and inven­to­ry activ­i­ty reports are all forms of avail­able report­ing.
With us, your prod­uct is secure. In order to pro­tect inven­to­ry through­out all phas­es of the stor­age and ship­ping cycles, we offer secure facil­i­ties. We make use of secu­ri­ty cam­eras, motion and glass detec­tors, and alarm sys­tems to pre­vent theft, dam­age to the prod­uct, and harm to the staff.
No mat­ter how big or small, domes­tic or inter­na­tion­al, a clien­t’s ship­ping needs can be met by our flex­i­ble ship­ping resources. We guar­an­tee quick ship­ping times and low­er costs by uti­liz­ing cre­ative and effi­cient ware­house ful­fill­ment strate­gies. Prod­ucts are pack­aged and deliv­ered in accor­dance with your instruc­tions in a seam­less process. All of the major ship­ping com­pa­nies, includ­ing UPS, FedEx, Freight Con­sol­ida­tors, LTL truck­ing, and the U.S., are used by Pak­ing Ful­fill­ment. mail deliv­ery.
Drop Ship­ping
Our clients can main­tain lit­tle to no inven­to­ry at busi­ness loca­tions while still hav­ing easy access to inven­to­ry because we offer deliv­ery direct­ly to cus­tomers.
Bulk Ship­ping
From our Los Ange­les facil­i­ty, we have the capac­i­ty to ship any quan­ti­ty of goods domes­ti­cal­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly.

Advan­tages of TRG Ful­fill­ment Stor­age and Ship­ping Ser­vices
• Reduce clients’ logis­tics costs through opti­miza­tion by our expert team and world-class process­es
• Clients divest from expen­sive assets. TRG pro­vides the facil­i­ties, space, and exper­tise you want
• Tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled, secure stor­age
• Inte­gra­tion with clients’ dig­i­tal sys­tems allows our stor­age and ship­ping func­tions to work as a seam­less exten­sion of your dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture